Sunday, May 14, 2006

Goodnight Monsterland...


I got up to ... I think Round 10 on WBIML... and I died!! That's the sucky thing about old video games, you don't have saves... these days, we gamers have become soft, due to the wonderous invention of the MEMORY CARD. =) Video games are just too easy these days.

The gig went... well, okay. I was a little bit down tonight, not quite sure why. I think I'm just tired. But everyone there seemed happy with the sound, so that's good. =) We both made a few little mistakes, but meh, who cares? We got $90 each. Sweet. The thing that really bummed me out was it was sooo hard to hear each other. Em was having trouble hearing me, I was having trouble hearing her, and we were right next to the kitchen, which is like open to the whole dining room... so it's very noisy! And of course, people were talking, which is fair enough, considering you're doing background music...

That just reminded me of this one time when I had to play piano at some stupid school concert... and the audience talked right thru my performance. Man that sucked. Maybe that's why I found it hard tonight. I guess I'm not used to playing to an un-captive audience.

Sooooo tired. Going to bed now. Holy crap, it's quarter to midnight. Sleeeeeep... ahh... bliss...

Love you all,
the gregglesaurus

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