Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Postin, postin, postin in mah blog...

Hello everyone who reads this. I love you all. :)

Hmm... well, I wanna write in here more often. Who knows, my words might even inspire people.

I've been checking out Bethany Dillon's website a lot lately. I highly recommend it to anyone. Actually... I think I might have even mentioned it in a previous post. Probably. Well, anyway, it's really cool. I love her journals. www.bethanydillon.com. Check it out. Check out her music, too.

Actually... I wonder if Beth Robertson's site has been updated lately...

nope. Beth, if you read this, and I doubt you do, update your site! Post a blog that all your teeny-bopper fans can read and stuff. I've been listening to your album again today. It's quite good. We should collab sometime, seriously.

Gotta still songwrite more. Not feeling so 'pressured' these days, though, which is good. Not feeling really guilty for spending excessive time playing Final Fantasy, which is also good. Feeling a little bit crap afterwards, which is good, because it means I won't spend too much time playing it again, at least not for a few days. :D I have submitted two songs, though, which should hopefully be getting sung in church sometime. One has a very Keith Green/Ben Folds sound to it. But I've got a few other songs kicking around in my heart and head that I need to get out sometime.

Feeling more organised lately, which is good, too. Using my PDA calendar a lot more lately, gives you a good feeling knowing that your day has some sort of planned structure to it, not just random spontaneousness.

Been reading a good book lately, "When God Writes Your Love Story" by Eric and Leslie Ludy. I have noticed that in Christian Dating books there are two different sides/camps. There is the "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" camp, which focusses on values like waiting for the one God has for you, instead of giving yourself away thru temporary romances and stuff... and then there's the "Dateable/Marriable/I Gave Dating a Chance" camp, which encourages dating and getting out there to find the right person, and saying that the idea of waiting on God to just bring someone into your life is silly and sentimental, and that you wouldn't do that with a job, for instance, would you?

Both sides are VERY American. In fact, the whole concept of 'dating' is really a very American thing. Australians don't have 'dates' every freakin weekend. Australians just have boyfriends or girlfriends. But anyway, I digress. I thought I was on the second side, but I'm kinda coming back to the first side now. Really been thinking about it a lot lately, living my life as though she was already in it... because she is real, she exists, she is out there somewhere, and so why not start now, living my life committed to her... in my thoughts, my words... I don't wanna just suddenly change to be this wonderful person when I get married or get a girlfriend... I need to be that person now. Cos I know who I am at the moment ~ it's not who I really want to be. In the way I think about and deal with the opposite sex... I want to live devoted to her.

You may think that's crazy, but it's what I'm gonna go for for now. I think it's cool.

Gotta tell you this crazy story too. I went to visit my brother this afternoon, and get this ~ he was on a bus today, and some CRAZY, FREAKY woman puts this stuff in his hair and now he's got this big bald patch on the back of his head. I am grateful that I have a car, and that I no longer have to rely on public transport. Gosh, you get some feral people on public transport. Isn't it funny how anything with the word 'public' in it seems to be disgusting, but people say you shouldn't do certain things in 'public'. Like 'public toilets'... Okay, so that's not entirely true. But what happened to my brother today is true, and I think it totally takes the biscuit, nay, it is the epitome of public transport ferality. I don't think I shall ever ride a bus again, if I can help it.

Crazy times we live in.

Love and peace,
the gregglesaurus =)

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