Saturday, July 15, 2006

It's a beautiful day

How gentle is the rain
That falls softly on the meadow
Birds high up in the trees
Serenade the flowers
With their melodies...


It's such a beautiful rainy day outside. But how can I say that, I haven't even been out there! Let me open my blind...

Ah... there we go. Niice. Beautiful grey... the sound of rain... oh, it's just lovely!

I have taken a bold step and tried to cut over completely to Mac. And let me say, it's a really nice feeling to just have my beautiful 17 inch iMac on my desk. Having a PC and Mac side by side... just gets too cluttered. I have stacks more space on my desk now. I've even managed to make room for the printer that Sarahanne kindly donated to me - which perfectly matches my Mac decor - and for which I still need to get a printhead!

This must be something like Feng Shui... without the spiritual side. I definitely agree though, that the placing of objects in your living environment can definitely affect you at least mentally and emotionally, and give you a sense of balance.

All I need now is an easier way to turn on my sound... without having to reach over to my mixer desk and stereo. I'd leave my mixer desk on, but it might use lots of electricity.

While I'm on the subject of Macs - I downloaded a little plug-in called 'Growl' last night. It's great! It makes customised alerts appear on your screen - for instance, when someone signs in on MSN (or aMSN, which I use), you can set it up so a really sexy looking popup thing comes up at the bottom of your screen - kinda like a music video... and you can do the same with itunes as well! How cool is that...

I just wish I had little buttons on my keyboard to control itunes... I wonder if I can set up some hot keys on my "F" keys.

However will I get my clothes washed today? Hopefully Mummy will be kind enough to let me use her dryer. I should buy a dryer. But they use lots of electricity too. But I'd only use it in emergencies or when it's raining. Like today.

K, that'll do for now. I'll try and write more often.

I need to spend more time with God.

PS This entry was originally published on my MSN Space, but for some reason, it doesn't allow for paragraphs... and I can't blog without paragraphs!!!!!!

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