Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bloggy-loggy... ur the one...

Hello everyone that reads my blog.

Well, in case you haven't seen the news yet, Newcastle was swept by a terrible storm over the weekend!! I have some pics in my pics section if you care to check them out. (go to myspace.com/gregglesaurus) Gotta put up some pics of the big tanker that got caught on Nobby's beach, too... a very surreal sight in person, let me tell you...

So, how are you all? Good I hope. :)

We got new cordless phones today! :D How exciting. I love technology. I'm gonna have to go set them up soon.

I've been okay lately... I was TERRIBLY depressed this morning when I woke up, tho... but, as usually happens... it was kinda gone once I got up. I think the devil does that to me to try and make me stay in bed sometimes... hehe... STUPID DEVIL! YOU SUCK!

It was soooo weird not having church on Sunday. I went to my brother's church instead on Sunday night. Hehe... their Pastor is funny. Very friendly and down to earth people. I like that in a church.

Lots of assignments to do for TAFE, but I've just about finished. It's been fun, yet sometimes tedious, too. I hate recording sounds, but I love mixing them together. Fun! :D I also finally put some sound to my Killer Iron movie. I might put it up on youtube...

Wellll... that'll do for now. Take care.

Love to you all,
the gregglesaurus

1 comment:

Megan (well der) said...

i think this blog sounds familar.... IT DOES!!! U CHEAT!!! hehehe xox